Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

Video walls rarely cease to impress, and with a drop in prices over recent years their use is becoming more widespread. But before we take a look at some of the possible applications for a video wall, let’s quickly define the term.

A video wall is in essence a large display unit made up of multiple screens which can be used to either display a single image or a number of different video feeds. They can be constructed using a variety of display technologies, including plasma, LED, LCD and rear projection screens, and these can be arranged into any number of rows and columns to achieve a display of virtually any size. They are often used in preference to large single screens because of their ability to economically display very large images in high resolution.

The applications for video walls are limited only by the imagination, and the size of your budget, but here are a few common uses.

#1 – Advertising – getting the message across

Whether you’re using it to promote your own brand and products or you’re providing an advertising service for other organisations, a video wall can be an exceptionally powerful advertising tool. Because of their sheer size and the clarity of the images they display, video walls always tend to attract a crowd, and what they lack in subtlety they more than make up for in style and va-va-voom!

#2 – Control room displays – keeping your eye on the ball

If you need a team of people to have access to a large number of video feeds simultaneously, then a video wall may be the way to go. This application is particularly relevant for securitysurveillance centres and television broadcast units. It can also be very helpful for event management and crowd control.

#3 – Conference presentations – OHPs are dead, long live video walls!

Nowadays, few presentations are complete without some sort of audio visual aid. Of course, in venues holding several thousand people it can be hard to ensure that everyone can see what’s going on clearly. One of the main distinguishing properties of video walls is that they can be viewed comfortably from a distance, making them ideal for such situations. They can also help to give presentations greater impact, due to their versatility and sheer scale.

#4 – Multimedia art/ education – getting creative

Both museums and galleries have found a use for video wall displays. Not only do they capture the attention easily, but they are also highly suited to crowded situations where people might otherwise have to queue up to view what is on offer. For artists who specialise in audio visual installations, a high quality video wall can bring extra depth and clarity to their work.

#5 – Public information displays – communicating with the masses

In large public venues where lots of people require access to a variety of information, video walls are a highly effective solution. Examples include train stations and airports.

The sheer variety of audio visual technology and its potential applications can be mind-boggling, especially with the advent of next generation tech such as flexible plastic displays. If you’re planning an event then it pays to talk to a specialist in video wall solutions for some impartial advice and help.

About the author – Paul S. Sutton is a freelance writer who regularly blogs on audio visual technology and often researches at He’d love a video wall in his living room, but the couch is in the way.

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