Sat. Mar 29th, 2025

Once you have decided that a tattoo needs to go, it is natural to want this to happen as fast as possible. Tattoo removal experts will assess each tattoo to determine the best course of action, but the question we often get asked is ‘how often can I get laser tattoo removal? What they mean by that is how many sessions they can pack in to get the offending body art removed as fast as possible. While we hate to put a downer on things, it doesn’t work like that-so; let’s have a look at the process, how often you can come and how much time you need to leave between sessions.

The Bottom Line

The bottom line is that you need to leave around 6 to 8 weeks between sessions, and in some cases, it can even be longer. But, between sessions, the tattoo will be changing, fading, and disappearing before your eyes because of how the process works. So don’t despair!

The Process Of Laser Tattoo Removal

The laser we use is actually a trigger, and the other vital piece of equipment used to remove a tattoo is your immune system. By using heat from a laser to zap the pigment or colour in your tattoo, what we are doing is breaking it down into smaller pieces. The body is then able to effectively remove it, but this does take time. It is like having a slight graze or cut on the body; you wouldn’t want to keep reopening the wound as this makes it take a lot longer to heal. We need to leave this period for the body to do its thing, and then, if required, we can move on to the next treatment if we haven’t achieved the perfect results yet.

Can I Help The Process?

After your session, we will walk you through the care process, and there are things you can do to give your body the healing edge. It is vital that you keep the area dry, so for at least 48 hours, no swimming, baths, steam rooms or saunas. Avoid playing contact sport where it could get knocked, and ensure you wear loose clothing with nothing tight over the area. Don’t apply lotions, sun creams or anything that can irritate your skin, as this will prolong the healing period. If you find that the area is sore or uncomfortable, the best thing you can do is use a cold compress. A bag of peas wrapped in a thin towel is an easy solution; just be sure not to apply the cold compress directly to the skin. After 48 hours, it should be more settled but keep being careful and don’t pick, scratch or disturb the skin in any way.

The Takeaway

Although treatment sessions are short and sweet, it can take a few sittings to entirely remove the tattoo. It is best to get into the mindset of this being a process and accept that it may take some time to get to the final result.

By admin