Tue. Mar 25th, 2025

If you’re planning a trip to Australia then for the entry in the country as a tourist you will need Australia tourist visa. It is a temporary visa that enables individuals to travel to the country as a tourist for holiday or vacations for a period of three to 12 months. It can also be used for a temporary entry to the country for any other non-work related purpose.Any person who is holding a passport and willing to travel to Australia can apply for Australia visitor visa at the visa making authority in their area.

Types of Australia tourist and visitor visa

There are mainly three kinds of Australia tourist and visitor visa. These are:

  1. Electronic travel authority (ETA) visa- This is one of the most commonly Australian touristvisa used by almost all the visitors visiting Australia for a maximum period of 3 months.Unlike traditional visa, in Electronic travel authorityvisa no application form is required neither any stamp in the passport of the visitor is needed. It is available to passport holders from Australian government particular countries and areas.In order to apply for ETA visitor visa you should not be the citizen of Australia and should hold a passport granted by an ETA eligible country or region.

To apply for ETA you must have the passport and passport number that you will be using to visit to the country. You can apply for this travel visa through an agent, travel agencies,and internet or at office for Australia visa in your country. In case you apply for the ETA online and if it gets rejected due to any reason then you can mail paper application to the Australian government for the required process.

  1. Sponsored family visitor visa- This type of visa can be applied for a period of 3-12 months, individual should be residing outside of Australia and should be sponsor in Australia who is a member of Australian parliament or any other authorized person. For this the supporter is required to collect the passport copy and complete a form from the person and submit the application for visa with another form filled by sponsor to applicable office.
  2. Tourist visa- This type of visa enables the non-Australians entry into Australia for a period of 3 to 6 months however it can be extended to 12 months as per the needs. Any person who is planning to travel to Australia as a tourist can apply to tourist visa without many formalities. You can apply for this travel visa through an agent, travel agencies, and internet or at office for Australia visa in your country. Individuals of tourist visa can to be eligible should not be involved in any criminal cases nor are they allowed undertaking any work-related activity in Australia while they are there for a vacation or recreational activity. Once the date is expired the visitor is required to leave the country else strict actions might be taken on breaking the laws.

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