Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025

Repeated inability to interact with a partner is a daunting and frustrating problem that plagues many men. Where to look for causes and what are the solutions to support potency? Will exercise, therapy or tea help the potency? 

What are the causes of impotence?

The individual causes can be divided into three categories, which can overlap and interact with each other:

  • physical – relate to health and obstacles that can prevent an erection in a physical way (high blood pressure, diabetes, clogged blood vessels – atherosclerosis, low testosterone levels),
  • Psychological – emotional states that can occur in men of all ages (stress, anxiety, low self-esteem, feelings of guilt, depression, relationship problems).

Some problems can start as a physical problem and become psychological (Example: atherosclerosis prevents cessation in contact and subsequent attempts will fail due to anxiety and fear of failure). They can also be affected by various lifestyle risk factors such as alcohol abuse, smoking, but also obesity. Use Fildena 100 or Vigora 100 for best love life.

This will tell you if the problem is physical or psychological

The best indicator of the type of impotence is morning erection. If you wake up with a morning erection and you have no problem getting your organ alert while having love, it means that your problem is not physical, but psychological. 

When is mental impotence?

We speak of this condition when the psychological problems of a man are the cause of the persistent difficulties in achieving or maintaining an erection. Statistics show that up to 20% of cases are psychological. It can happen both to young men who are starting a love life and to mature men under the pressure of modern life.

Causes of mental impotence

Res Stress

Expectations, fears, and pressure on men at work, and at home – it is common for men of all ages to experience recurring problems in achieving or maintaining an erection at some point. Persistent chronic stress can also be a problem. 


Feelings of anxiety can mean feelings of inability to love please a partner, or negative thoughts affected by body image (e.g., organ size, body structure). At the beginning of their love life, young men experience mainly feelings of anxiety due to nervousness and expectations. The very fear of failure increases the likelihood of failure.

Problems in relationships

They often arise not from a lack of sex, but from a lack of communication between partners. This causes a gap and unanswered questions also have a negative effect on a man’s potency. Women tend to blame themselves (I’m no longer attractive enough) or a partner (she has a mistress), men often blame a partner (especially for lack or loss of libido).

Performance anxiety

Fears of failure before the start of intercourse can cause a constant problem that recurs. This could cause various symptoms in the body, such as premature ejaculation use Fildena 150 or Fildena 120 to cure ED, inability to orgasm or a general loss of love interest

Feelings of guilt

Guilt from extramarital affairs and love affairs can be the cause of psychological impotence. 

Low self-confidence

In men, feelings of low self-esteem can turn into physical symptoms such as impotence.

Inability to fertilize a partner

Unsuccessful attempts to conceive a child can move even the strongest characters and can affect a man’s potency. 

How to support potency?

The human mind can block natural potency. The problem can be solved with the help of some steps that can lead you to the desired goal. 

Regular exercise

Doing exercise several times a week can help with impotence. Exercise can help relieve stress, but also relieve anxiety and anxiety. It will help with better self-confidence. Research shows that a simple 20 to 30-minute workout several times a week can reduce stress levels and help with impotence.

Patience and effort of the partner

Understanding your partner and communicating with each other about the problem can help focus more on sensory experiences than on analyzing unpleasant events and anxious thoughts about performance. 

Herbs on potency

Herbs can also help increase physical and mental performance and strengthen your self-confidence:

  • ground anchor affects the maintenance of optimal levels of male hormone, supports physical desire and overall physical and mental performance, 
  • Asian umbilical cord helps maintain proper physical and mental activity, maintains the body’s optimal defences, and stimulates blood flow to the brain.
  • Heather has a beneficial effect on the function of the prostate, kidneys and urinary tract, contributes to quality sleep,
  • Damian has a positive effect on the nervous system, contributes to maintaining proper physical and mental activity, relieving anxiety, good mood and stimulates libido,
  • Peruvian maca helps maintain sexual condition, has a positive effect on sperm count and motility.

Therapy for couples

Couples therapy can be a way to alleviate relationship problems and help potential. 

Something from scientific circles at the end

While some of theories are now obsolete, many parts of his work appear to be wonderfully modern, even in light of current research and recent models of erectile dysfunction. Above all, Freud was an extremely gifted observer of human behavior, who shows us that erectile dysfunction are in many cases not isolated phenomena, but have their roots in biographically based intrapsychic or interpersonal conflicts.

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